Free Meditation and Self-Healing Classes to Relieve Stress and Improve Health

If you feel anxious, tense, worried, and fall sick too often, it might be a sign that stress has taken over your life. Studies have indicated that meditating regularly can help you relax, restore calm, heal and even improve your health. To help you deal with stress, find balance, heal, and support your recovery process, we are offering you free access to our meditation and self-healing classes.
Whether you are a beginner looking into how to meditate, wanting to learn self-healing, or an advanced practitioner looking for other simple meditation techniques, our practices are perfect for you. Not requiring any talent or previous meditation knowledge, everyone can do these practices, starting from the age of five. You just need to relax, touch your heart, and smile.
Natural Way of Living’s universal meditation practice is based on the Spiritual Heart as the natural center of positive feelings such as peace, calm, joy, and gratitude and its special role as the key connection to True Source. True Source is the non-denominational term we use to call The Creator, whom you may refer to as God or Paramatman. When your heart is open and connected to True Source, True Source Blessings and Love can flow into your heart so you can naturally experience inner peace and happiness.
#1 Guided Open Heart Meditation for Forgiveness, Stress Relief and Inner Peace
Life can be full of challenges making stress become an inevitable part of our everyday life. However, over time, stress and negative emotions can weigh you down and affect your physical and mental health. Open Heart Meditation will help you let go of negative emotions and forgive to free your heart from burdens. When your heart is free, you will naturally feel more peaceful and happy.
Open Heart Meditation does not use specific techniques such as focusing the mind, breathing, or mantra. Instead, this meditation guides you to relax, smile, and simply enjoy the beautiful and positive feelings that arise naturally from the heart. Open Heart Meditation practitioners reported that regular practice helped calm their minds, overcome stress, relax and improve their sleep quality.
“Each time I repeat this meditation, I feel very relaxed, calm and deeply touched by the love of The Creator. Negative emotions and unnecessary thoughts reduce significantly.”
—- Shella Alamsyah, Relationship Manager, Perth, Australia
“This is such a unique meditation. It is so easy to do and always helps me to feel happy, relaxed and refreshed, not just during the meditation but throughout the day too. Open Heart Meditation is my favorite way to start the day.”
—- Cara O’Brien, Psychology Student, Shannon, Ireland
This meditation prayer is written by Irmansyah Effendi, MSc., the founder of Natural Way of Living and the author of Smile to Your Heart Meditations: Simple Practices for Peace, Health and Spiritual Growth.
If you would like to have a guide to help you do this meditation, Open Heart for Everyone, one of our community service initiatives, is offering 5 Open Heart Meditation session programs for free online. Check the schedule and register here:
#2 Guided Heart Preparation Meditation to Start Your Day Feeling Relaxed and Peaceful (8 Minutes)
The start of your day sets the tone for the rest of it. Instead of waking up to your social media feed or e-mail that can clutter your mind, start your day with a gentle practice that can help you feel centered and calm. For those of you who want to recharge your heart and mind with calmness and peacefulness, we provide you a free guided 8-minute heart preparation meditation. All you have to do is play this video, close your eyes, relax and enjoy the natural happiness, calmness, and peacefulness as your heart is opened and touched by The Blessings from The Creator (or True Source).
“I was irritated, but after doing this heart preparation, all the resentment is just gone. I feel so happy, relieved and grateful to God.”
—- Olivia Sulistio, Associate Strategy Director, Jakarta, Indonesia
#3 Introduction to Self-Healing with Reiki Tummo Class for Health and Happiness
If you are looking for a meditation class that helps improve your health and supports your recovery process, you are welcomed to try our free Introduction class to Self-Healing with Reiki Tummo™. This short training program is designed to help you get instant energy channeling ability to heal and improve your health physically, mentally, and emotionally.
“During the Reiki Tummo self-healing segment, I felt tingling and warm energy in my palms, and when I directed that energy toward my left shoulder, the pain ceased in an instant.”
—- Marie Rowena, Retiree, Modesto California, USA
Reiki Tummo practitioners reported that regular self-healing practice helped improve their immune system, boost physical energy, support their recovery process, reduce worries, and anxieties. Reiki (Divine Energy) flowing from the top-down, combined with Tummo (Kundalini) energy from the bottom up, thoroughly cleanses physical barriers, negative emotions, bringing calmness, peacefulness and happiness naturally from within.
Regularly offered as a full-day workshop program, Irmansyah Effendi, the founder of Reiki TUMMO™ and author of Reiki Tummo: An Effective Technique for Health and Happiness, has made some part of the curriculum now available to stream for free on Youtube, anytime, anywhere.
In this two and a half-hour online class, you will get:
- Introduction to Reiki TUMMO™
- Reiki Tummo™ Level 1 attunement
- Guided healing and channeling ability to the whole body (for self and others)
Guided by Irmansyah Effendi who has more than two decades of teaching experience all around the world, this free self-healing class is also available in other languages: Indonesian, Russian, Mandarin, German, French and Spanish.
We are also offering special treats for you who attend this class from the beginning until the end:
- FREE weekly practice guided by certified Reiki TUMMO instructors from Natural Way of Living. Register online:
- 50% DISCOUNT on Reiki TUMMO Level 1 workshop (special class) to get more complete learnings for your health. Information: [email protected]
Special Mention: Free Reiki TUMMO™ Distant Healing Service
Our Reiki TUMMO™ practitioner community is offering distant healing services for free. If you or people you know need healing, you can send an email to [email protected] and provide the following data of the clients:
- Name
- City
- Location
- General description of the health problem
#4 Deep Breathing Exercise for Healthy Lungs
Most of the time, our breathing is shallow. Hence, our lungs cannot expel the left-over air optimally. In this video, Irmansyah Effendi shares a natural, easy and effective deep breathing exercise to solve this problem. We recommend you to do this exercise every day, especially in the morning in nature when the air is the freshest.
“I feel like my whole body is breathing.”
—- dr. Yunita Mubyarti, Sp.OG, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Jakarta, Indonesia
“Since contracting pneumonia about 30 years ago, my lungs had not been in great condition. However, after doing this for several days straight, the lower parts of my lungs are starting to feel better. I feel that I can breathe deeper more easily now.”
—- Ann De Jesus Negron, USA
Researches indicated that deep breathing routines can help:
- Increase lung capacity and strengthen lungs
- Decrease fatigue
- Promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety
- Reduce symptoms of asthma in children and adolescents
- Reduce blood pressure in hypertension
- Relieve GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) symptoms
- Relieve migraine symptoms
We hope that these resources can help you have a more peaceful heart, a clearer mind, and a healthier body wherever you are, whatever your circumstances are. Feel free to share these with your friends, family, co-workers and others. We will keep adding more free tutorials and resources here. Be sure to save and bookmark this link!
Natural Way of Living