Our Community Activities

Natural Way of Living community service helps people to be happier and healthier by introducing Natural Way of Living practices for free

Miracle Walking

Raising awareness about the importance of walking correctly for our health by regularly inviting the public to join walking practices.

 [email protected]

Open Heart® for Everyone

Free public meetups to introduce Open Heart® to individuals and communities.

We also provide online sessions.

  [email protected]

Reiki Tummo® Healing Services

Free distant healing services by many of Reiki Tummo® practitioners all over the world.

If you or people you know may need Reiki healing, you can send email to us and provide the following data of the clients: Name, City Location, Kind of Health Problem (in general).

[email protected]

You can also receive free Reiki Usui attunement that may benefit your health.

  [email protected]