Let Go, and Let the Love Flow

As a Type ‘A’ Control Freak, “Letting Go of Control” was an incomprehensible and foreign concept to me.
Throughout my life, I had everything calculated, planned, and meticulously executed. Whether it be my schooling, career, and even travel plans. When things did not go according to my plan and my way, I used to throw huge temper tantrums. I could now seriously look back and gasp at how ridiculous and stressed I was. I knew deep down that if it continued, there could have been severe consequences. Such as health issues and unhappiness that could lead to other mental problems. So, I decided to start my spiritual and personal development journey with the Open Heart Workshops.
After opening my heart, I had a deep realization that every situation could turn into a beautiful opportunity for me.
I learn to let go of my control and to be loved by the True Source of Love. Which we can refer to as God, the Creator, Father, Allah or any other terminology that is in accordance with our beliefs. It was not easy for me because we are trained to rely on ourselves most of the time. But I would eventually learn to trust and surrender to True Source. To let His Love take care of me, everything, and every situation at hand.
I am deeply grateful to have met Irmansyah Effendi, the Founder of Natural Way of Living. He has introduced me to the various programs including Reiki Tummo, Open Heart, Secrets of Natural Walking, and Secrets of Natural Healing. He would often tell us that all the programs have one common objective. It is to help us open our hearts and deepen our connection and eternal relationship with True Source. Over the years, my heart indeed is more open to and for True Source to experience His Love and Guidance.
Whenever I could truly let go of my control and rely on True Source’s Love, the outcomes would always be the most beautiful and miraculous beyond my expectations.
On one occasion, one of my dearest friends reached out in his darkest moment with a very disturbing text message. I could not reach him and it was beyond my ability to help. We were thousands of miles apart, I was concerned, afraid, stressed, and worried. Thoughts like what if I let go and he ended up harming himself lingered in my mind. At that moment, my heart remembered True Source’s Love is here, within, and everywhere. True Source’s Love is always helping, guiding, and protecting all of us.
All I need is to touch my heart, relax, and smile.
I started to just let things be and wholeheartedly prayed to True Source. Surrender my stress, burdens, worries, and all the limitations, and especially my crazy running thoughts. I prayed to surrender my friend to True Source and trusted that True Source would take care and love my friend much more than I could ever have.
Within 24 hours, my friend reached out again. He apologized for agonizing me and assured me he would be all right. It was truly remarkable to have witnessed how unlimited True Source’s Love is. I did not do anything for him, other than letting go of my control, worries, and stress, and placing my full trust in True Source. Repeatedly witnessing miracles from surrendering to True Source further built my trust in Him.
Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to share Open Heart with many people. They would often share with me their challenging situations where they feel like there was no way out. When I listened to their sharing, I would feel compelled to help and ask True Source’s guidance on how to do so. What I would end up sharing with them was that no matter how resourceful we are, we are confined by our limited knowledge and experience.
I often use my own example of a time when I had exhausted all possibilities to keep my dance studio in business and had to finally let go of it.
I saw no way out for the longest time as I was dealing with a landlord who tried to drive us out as he had his own agenda for the property. We still had several months of the lease left and he wanted to hold us accountable for the remainder of the lease.
He refused to meet us or even answer our calls. With a lot of rent liability looming, I was grateful that I already opened my heart and attended advanced retreats with Irmansyah Effendi. I prayed not for any specific outcome, but to let True Source’s Love cleanse all the negative emotions within myself and everyone who was involved in the business. And I also practiced forgiveness and reflected on my own wrongful attitude when dealing with the landlord in the past. Finally, I prayed to surrender all results and outcomes and for whatever is in accordance with True Source’s Will to happen naturally and completely.
I placed a final call to my landlord and left a message that I did not want anything from him but to only ask for a meeting to hear me out. My landlord finally agreed to meet with my business partner and me. I smiled from my heart to everyone present during that meeting and extended my apology to my landlord if there was any miscommunication on my part. My landlord was surprised at my calmness and sincere attitude. The conversation went smoothly. Not only did he let us off the lease early, he even let us stay without having to pay rent for a short period of time to generate more revenue for ourselves. He even returned the full security deposit. It was very unexpected given his initial stance, not being willing to compromise, and wanting us to pay for the remainder of the lease.
I realized and often share with others that it is truly us who block True Source’s Love from showing us His guidance.
Whenever we can let go completely and let True Source’s Love flow abundantly, the most beautiful and unexpected solutions always seem to surface.
With the current pandemic, many people are stressed and worried. While we may not see any clear solutions and things may be beyond our control, why not use this time as a real opportunity to open our hearts to let True Source’s Love flow abundantly. Let us all experience the profound safety, calmness, joy, gratitude, and the unconditional love True Source would like us to experience completely. Let everything Go, and Let the Love Flow.
Written by:
Laura Fan
Manager at Arthur Murray Dance Centers Red Bank NJ
& Dance Coach
New Jersey, United States
Instagram: @lfan18